Cynthia Matzke FN’18
Chapter Member at Large
Marine ecologist, professor and documentarian with a passion for exploring remote ocean ecosystems, from tropical reefs to the Earth’s poles. Cynthia has earned a Master of Advanced Studies from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, and she possesses a cohesive background in journalism, producing packages and assets for NBC Universal, Akaku television, and on independent documentaries. Her goal is to foster conservation efforts by pairing ocean science research with stunning imagery that engages audiences, sends a concise message and raises awareness. She currently conducts research with Scripps Institution of Oceanography’s Marine Physical Lab and as an Associate Professor, creates multidisciplinary curricula for grades K - 16 to bring lessons from the field into the classroom. She is the co-founder of Spiral Pacific and the Managing Director of the Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans.